Good Drink To Be Consumed By People With Stomach Acid

You don't want stomach acid to rise? This is a powerful drink to prevent stomach acid levels from rising. Gastric acid is a common disease that affects many people. Gastric acid is not a contagious disease but it can affect anyone.

Acid reflux is caused by many factors, one of which is eating spicy and high fat foods. When stomach acid rises, the sufferer will experience symptoms of a sore stomach, burning burning, and hot chest.

You don't want stomach acid to rise when it's not right. Don't worry, because there are several types of drinks that are effective in keeping you from the threat of stomach acid. The following drinks are effective at preventing you from the threat of stomach acid.

1. Herbal teas

Herbal teas are a powerful "weapon" that can help the digestive system and treat many stomach problems. You can try chamomile, licorice, elm, and marshmallow teas, to avoid symptoms of acid reflux.

Some of these teas can help increase the thickness of the mucus that covers the lining of the esophagus. For best results, try drinking one to two cups of herbal tea a day.

However, not all herbal teas can be consumed by people with stomach acid. Avoid spearmint / peppermint herbal teas, as well as those containing caffeine. Therefore, the taste of mint and caffeine can trigger symptoms of stomach acid.

2. Low-fat milk

For people with stomach acid who like milk, can consume low-fat milk and skim milk, which also includes drinks for stomach acid.

This is because milk that contains high fat, such as cow's milk, is quite difficult to digest, and can cause symptoms of stomach acid to worsen.

3. Vegetable milk

If milk is your favorite drink, it might be a good time to switch from cow's milk to plant-based milk. Some of the most healthy and delicious plant-based milks include soy milk to almond milk.

Almond milk has an alkaline composition, which can neutralize stomach acid and relieve symptoms. In addition, soy milk does not contain high fat so it is safe for consumption by people with stomach acid.

4. Smoothies

Not only delicious, smoothies are also a drink for healthy stomach acid. Because, various kinds of fruits contained in it, can provide vitamins and minerals into the body.

But remember, there are fruits that can trigger acid reflux symptoms; oranges, lemons, pineapples, for example. Choose fruits that are good for stomach acid, such as avocado or green grapes. Then, add in leafy greens, like spinach or kale, for a really delicious smoothie combination.

Good Drink To Be Consumed By People With Stomach Acid

5. Coconut water

Coconut water, without added sugar, is an excellent drink for stomach acid. This is because coconut water is a rich source of electrolytes such as potassium. These electrolytes can balance the pH (a measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions in solution) in your body. So, the symptoms of stomach acid can be controlled and avoided.

6. Yogurt

Yogurt that contains probiotics, can be a drink for stomach acid that is very good. You can eat them in a thin or frozen form. Because, yogurt can calm the intestines, and avoid symptoms of stomach acid to come.

If you want a variety of flavors in yogurt, just add fruits that are allowed for stomach acid, such as avocado. In addition to some of the drinks for stomach acid above, you can also change your lifestyle, so that stomach acid does not attack.

Maintaining your body weight, quitting smoking, avoiding clothes that are too tight, and elevating your head using a pillow while sleeping, are some tips that can be followed. However, sometimes changing a healthier lifestyle is not enough. Acid reflux disease that is more significant usually also needs to be followed up using drugs by a doctor.

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