The Koran is a guide for all mankind. A Muslim should familiarize himself with the Koran. There are various steps that can be taken to study and understand the contents of the Book of Allah.
First, understanding the Koran with the Koran itself. This is known as tafsir quran bil quran. The Koran is an explanation that confirms one part to another. Rasulullah SAW said, "Allah sent down His book to justify one another" (Bukhari).
Examples of verses interpreted by other verses are as follows. In surah al-Fatihah verse 7, it is stated, "(Namely) those whom You have given them favors." In this verse, it is not explained who the people who were given the blessings were.
So, Allah SWT explains in Surah An-Nisa verse 69, which means, "And whoever obeys Allah and their Messenger (Him) will be together with those who are bestowed with blessings by Allah, namely the prophets, shiddiqin, martyrs, and the pious. And they are the best of friends. "
Second, understanding the Koran with the authentic Sunnah of the Prophet SAW. Ibn Taymiyah said, "The most valid way to understand the Koran is to interpret the Koran with the Koran. If you do not find it, you take the sunnah because it (sunnah) is the explanation of the Koran."
Imam Syafi'i said, all that was punished by Rasulullah SAW was from what he got from the Koran. Examples of understanding the Koran with the sunnah are as follows.
In the Koran, there are several verses that command prayer. However, the explanation for how to pray is only found in the Sunnah. Rasulullah SAW said, "Pray for you as you see me praying."
Third, understand the Koran with the understanding of friends and tabiin. Imam Ibn Taymiyah said, "If you do not find the interpretation in a verse of the Koran, nor in the sunnah, then you must look for it in the words of the companions. They know it best because they saw (qarain) the situation that occurred at the time the Qur'an was revealed. Coupled with the height of their language skills and the clarity of their understanding. "
For example, their understanding of the phrase "the straight path" in surah al-Fatihah verse 6. The meaning is, Islam or the Koran or the Sunnah of the Prophet or the Sunnah of Khulafaur Rashidin. Correct understanding of the Koran will give birth to the right attitude. Insha Allah.
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