Can Baby Powder Cause Acne?

The question of whether baby powder can cause acne arises because there are 2 opinions about using baby powder for acne. Some claim that baby powder is good for acne, and some say the opposite.

The benefits of baby powder are specially formulated for babies, but there are still many adults who still use baby products, such as baby powder. This is because the benefits of baby powder can also be used for adults and does not contain harmful chemicals, so it is very safe to use even for those of you who have sensitive skin.

You can use baby powder not only as a complement to make-up, but can also be used as a mask to treat acne and acne scars that really interfere with facial appearance. You can also use baby powder to whiten facial skin naturally.

Pimples Redden After Using Baby Powder

A reddish rash that appears on any part of the skin, including the face, characterizes an inflammatory process. This inflammation can arise from various causes. In this case, the redness of the face can be caused by:

  • facial irritation by the powder used
  • face that is too dry
  • irritation by facial products such as soaps, lotions, etc.
  • skin infections by fungi, bacteria, or viruses
  • prickly heat

Actually there is no single skin product that can be suitable for everyone. Skin products and care should be tailored to each skin type. If you experience redness on your face every time you use the powder, of course, the use must be stopped because it actually adds to the irritation of the face.

Clean your face using warm water to open facial pores, and a soap that is right for your face. For this we recommend that you first check your skin type as well as your complaints directly to a dermatologist.

Baby Powder For Face Acne

Baby powder is made according to baby's needs. Reducing the production of sweat so it is not moist and results in a rash on the baby's skin. Well, it turns out that baby powder for facial acne is also for adults.

In adults, baby powder works just as well as on a baby's skin. Baby powder can absorb the oil content on your facial skin. Especially for facial skin with acne. Apart from being able to treat acne growth, baby powder contains antibacterial properties. Antibacterial is useful so that inflamed acne does not get worse.

Still want to use expensive products to treat acne? There are effective ways to use baby powder for facial acne. If you want, try the method below.

Avoid certain types of food

Some types of food can invite acne. Generally high protein foods such as shrimp, chicken and eggs. Minimize also consume oily and coconut milk foods. A certain amount of chocolate and cheese can also cause acne.

Don't touch your face too often

We don't know what sticks to the hand when we touch the face. So, don't touch your face often. Hands contain bacteria and dirt that are invisible and can cause acne to grow.

Well, one more thing, keep your hair clean. Dirty hair, especially with bangs that often fall on the face, can make acne grow. If you don't have time to wash your hair, make sure the hair doesn't hit your face. For example tied or clamped.

Warm steam

Warm water steam can open pores and remove dirt and bacteria from the face. The trick, after the water boils or the temperature is less than 98 degrees, place your face on top so that it is vaguely exposed to the moisture. Don't get too close, because if it's too hot it will make your face flush.

After doing the 3 methods above, try using baby powder for facial acne. You can make a mask from baby powder or use baby powder before using compact powder. Here's how to make a mask from baby powder.

Take 3 tablespoons of baby powder and make a paste by mixing in raw water. Approximately 1 to 2 tablespoons of raw water only. You can also choose liquid baby powder, but still add water.

Baby powder for facial acne can apply the paste above. First, make sure your face is clean and that the baby powder mask is ready to work optimally.

Leave the baby powder for facial acne for 60 minutes. After drying, wash your face with cold water. After masking, it is recommended to immediately use a facial moisturizer to provide nutrition to facial skin.

Use a baby powder mask regularly, use it every day at night or before bed. After two weeks, you will see the results.

Benefits of Baby Powder as a Face Mask

Overcoming acne problems

Baby powder masks can help relieve inflamed pimples, it is also believed to be able to get rid of black acne scars naturally.

Relieves Redness of Facial Skin

Baby powder masks can also help relieve facial redness. Good because of the environment. That way, after using a baby powder mask regularly, the skin tone will be more evenly distributed without any redness.

Absorbs excess oil

The ability of baby powder not only helps absorb sweat but also can be a way to deal with oily faces. Where the excess oil content on the skin can trigger the appearance of pimples or breakouts. With regular use of masks, facial skin will look fresh and clean without shine

Makes skin more moist

The benefits of baby powder for other face masks is that it can increase moisture on the skin. So this mask is also recommended for dry skin types, so that the skin feels more moist and supple.

Smoothes facial skin

This baby powder mask can also soften rough facial skin naturally. baby powder masks are suitable for scaly facial skin, even for the face peeling due to dry air or irritation.

The other theme :

  • brand of baby powder for facial acne
  • powder suitable for acne prone skin
  • the benefits of baby powder for teenage faces
  • the benefits of using baby powder before bed
  • side effects of baby powder masks
  • baby powder for bruntusan
  • whether baby powder masks are safe
  • how to make a mask from baby powder

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