Can Staying Up Late Cause Acne?

Is staying up late can cause acne to be true or a myth? It is true, hooked on staying up late and lack of sleep can be bad for health. This messy sleep schedule in the long term can increase the risk of diseases due to staying up late such as obesity, heart problems, and diabetes.

Not only long-term effects, owners of problematic skin often experience staying up late or not getting enough sleep, acne can appear the next day.

The appearance of acne on the face can be caused by many things. In fact, the causes of acne can vary from one person to another.

Maybe your friend feels acne prone after eating certain foods, while you yourself find it easy to get acne after staying up late.

Bad Effects of Staying Up Late on Acne

While there is no clear evidence to suggest that sleep deprivation is directly linked to acne formation, research suggests that sleep deprivation indirectly causes acne and worsens existing acne.

When you often sleep late at night, it means you have reduced the amount of sleep it takes to rejuvenate your body. According to Livestrong and Buzzle, lack of sleep can lead to stress, increased inflammation, increased insulin resistance and depression.

Stress is an important factor that causes acne. Increased stress can stimulate the adrenal glands, which are responsible for producing androgens. The release of hormones in the body triggers the formation of acne. Stress also affects the immune system, so it can slow down the healing of existing pimples.

Not only that, lack of sleep can also cause systemic inflammation. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism reports, however, states that inadequate sleep leads to an increase in inflammatory cytokines.

The increase in substances in the body increases the tendency to produce inflammation. As it is known that acne is an inflammation of the pores in the skin, it is clear that inflammation is triggered due to an increase in the number of cytokines in the body.

In addition, lack of sleep leads to increased insulin resistance. Thus forcing the body to produce more insulin. It also causes sebum (oil) production, increases and inflammation leading to potential acne formation.

Sleeping late at night also causes mental and emotional frame changes that can lead to depression. Depression creates negative attitudes in people's minds that hinder their overall well-being. Overall ill health reduces the body's healing ability. Thus, it affects acne in a negative way.

Although staying up late does not contribute to acne formation directly, the factors that are produced are responsible for acne formation.

The negative impact of staying up late is to trigger skin problems. As reported by On Health, the habit of staying up late or lack of sleep is one of the three main triggers of acne. Apart from staying up late, other causes of acne are stress and oil production or excessive sweating.

The habit of staying up late and disruption of the circadian rhythm that controls the body's biological clock can disrupt hormonal balance. The effects can be mixed. Including the chemical balance of the skin is disturbed and pimples appear.

Sleep is important for all body systems to function optimally. Staying up late and disruption of sleep patterns can trigger the release of the hormone cortisol. Once this hormone is released, the body can experience an inflammatory reaction, including in the skin.

This inflammation can cause acne, psoriasis, to eczema. In addition, increased levels of stress hormones in the body make the immune system unstable. It can worsen skin problems like acne, psoriasis, and eczema.

Reporting from WebMD, stress levels can increase by up to 14 percent every time we lack sleep for 1 hour. The longer staying up late, the stress level in the body will increase. When stressed, the body will make more of the hormone cortisol, aka the stress hormone.

Well, the amount of the hormone cortisol is what triggers inflammation in the body, including damaging the structure and function of the skin. Sleeping late at night can exacerbate acne on the face. In fact, this can also trigger other skin problems such as eczema, contact dermatitis, to psoriasis.

How to deal with acne due to staying up late

Of course, this acne problem that you are experiencing can only be overcome by reducing the habit of staying up late. As much as possible, get enough sleep, at least 7-8 hours every night so that your health remains optimal.

However, what if you have to stay up late for certain things, whether it's due to report deadlines or preparing for tomorrow's presentation? Here's how it's safe so that acne doesn't appear easily.

Drink lots of water

This can help flush out toxins in the body as well as moisturize the skin.

Avoid sugary foods

Not only increases the risk of obesity, sweet foods can also stimulate oil production in the face and trigger acne.

Wash your face before bed

No matter how late you sleep, be sure to always wash your face before touching the mattress. This aims to wash away bacteria or oil on the face that can trigger acne.

Get to sleep

Photo Laser

With a photo laser routine, it can be useful for eliminating acne-causing bacteria. The laser technique is able to penetrate the deepest layers of the skin and stimulate collagen production.

How to remove acne

You need to make lifestyle changes as a way to get rid of acne. Launching Web MD, here are some habits that need to be done to prevent acne from popping up:

Improve sleep patterns

Those of you who are struggling with acne problems, it's good to start paying attention to sleep patterns. Try not to sleep too late at night so you can wake up in good shape in the morning. Get at least seven hours of sleep per night.

Avoid stress

The way to get rid of acne which is quite important in addition to avoiding staying up late is to minimize stress. Stress can trigger an increase in the hormone cortisol in the body. The release of the hormone cortisol makes the oil glands active and their production increases. This condition is prone to trigger acne.

Clean your face when sweat and excess oil

Exercise, physical activity, and activities that drain energy can lead to excessive sweating. This condition is ideal for the growth of acne-causing bacteria. For that, try to always clean it after sweating.

Use a soap that is oil-free and non-comedogenic or doesn't clog pores. In addition, keep the area with acne clean by regularly changing clothes and pillowcases regularly.

Take care of your diet

Studies have shown that foods with a high glycemic index such as simple carbohydrates and sugary foods can trigger acne. There is also research that proves milk and its processed products can trigger acne.

When you have acne, it's a good idea to avoid these two types of food. For the sake of health, start consuming intake rich in antioxidants such as fruits and vegetables. For protein, choose low fat.

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