Vitamins That Play An Important Role in the Reproduction Process

 One of the vitamins that plays an important role in the reproductive process is vitamin A. Vitamin A can be stored in the liver and body fat. But if you consume too much fat-soluble vitamins, it can cause poisoning, causing side effects such as nausea, vomiting, heart and liver problems.

Then, another vitamin that plays an important role in the reproductive process is vitamin E. Why is the answer to vitamin E? To answer that, we will discuss more deeply about the reproductive process and vitamin E itself.

Reproduction Process

The reproductive process is related to fertility problems. A person's fertility is influenced by how their reproductive organs can work optimally. This also applies to men and women.

Many factors affect a person's fertility. This directly or indirectly makes the fertility level of each person different. It is also often considered simple by some.

However, actually this is very important because it will influence you whether you will be able to have offspring easily or difficult.

It is also influenced by the successful fertilization of an egg by sperm, as well as how the growth of the fetus can be born in normal and healthy conditions.

One thing that affects this is the nutritional intake and health of the person. In principle, someone who has a healthy diet and life, such as eating a balanced nutritious diet, certainly has a better fertility rate.

The more variety of food ingredients he consumes, of course, also affects the nutritional intake of the body's health and reproduction.

The nutrients that enter the body greatly affect the function of organs to the smallest cells in the body, including reproductive organs. Reproductive organs have a complex role that involves many organs and other important body cells.

For that, those of you who want to have a child and even are running a pregnancy program need to pay attention to this. Because other organs related to reproductive organs will more or less affect our reproductive organs.

Awareness for a healthy diet is equally important. In addition, not consuming fast food or junk food such as burgers, instant noodles and fried chicken is also quite influential. In the long term, this can have a negative impact on the health of the reproductive organs.

Nutrients that are consumed by the body can also have an effect to help nourish the production organs. There are many types of vegetables and certain foods that are popular to help increase fertility levels.

These foods can help because of the important ingredients contained in them. One of these nutrients is a vitamin which plays an important role in the reproductive process.

Vitamins That Play An Important Role in the Reproduction Process

In general, the types of vitamins are divided into 5, of course the five types of vitamins are still broken down. Of the many vitamins, there are vitamins that are needed or even very helpful in increasing fertility levels.

The reproductive organs of women and men certainly have different nutritional needs, but the nutritional needs to maintain fertility itself are almost the same.

The following is a list of vitamins that play an important role in the reproductive process to help increase or maintain a person's fertility level.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A has several types, but the most popular of which are carotene, carotonid, and retinol. The three types have different sources of vitamins, but both provide benefits for the body.

This vitamin, which is popularly used to maintain eye health, also has hidden benefits for maintaining the growth and development of the embryo during pregnancy. For this reason, pregnant women are advised to consume lots of this one vitamin.

Apart from being a vitamin that plays an important role in the reproductive and eye processes, vitamin A also has other benefits for boosting the immune system, reducing skin problems, and maintaining healthy bones and heart.

So many benefits are provided to make this one vegetable, it is a pity to be left out of daily consumption. Sources of vitamin A from foods that are commonly consumed are vegetables, fruit, sweet potatoes, cheese, tea, milk, butter, and so on.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 higher can provide the effect of increasing fertility rates better, especially for those who have female gander. This type of vitamin that plays an important role in the reproductive process can help reduce the homicysteine ​​in the female reproductive organs which can help minimize ovulation problems.

That way, vitamin B6 helps to increase your potential for offspring. This vitamin is found in brown rice, wheat, whole grains, fruit, fish and lean meats.

Vitamin B9

Vitamin B9 is more commonly referred to as folic acid. The fulfillment of the body's nutritional needs for folic acid can meet the needs of progesterone levels. Progesterone itself is a hormone found in women that can affect fertility levels.

If the body is deficient in this vitamin, it can result in ovulation disorders in women. And for men, folic acid deficiency can reduce the quality of the sperm itself.

Vitamins that play an important role in this reproductive process are found from foods of green vegetables, fruit, nuts, and foods that contain high protein. For those of you who are pregnant, consuming foods that contain high folic acid can cause the risk of birth defects that will be experienced by the fetus.

In addition, folic acid also has an important role in brain development and the formation of red blood cells in your fetus.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin which is also popular for maintaining the body's immune system so that it prevents certain types of diseases that can damage the function of body cells. Vitamin C is also a source of antioxidants that can reduce the negative effects of free radicals.

The antioxidant content contained in vitamin C also has a role in increasing fertility by improving sperm quality and helping reduce sperm DNA fragmentation itself.

Vitamin C is now widely sold in the form of multivitamin tablets with several brands that offer many benefits. However, vitamins that play an important role in the reproductive process are very good when consumed directly from the food itself.

Types of foods that have a high vitamin C content include guava, oranges, kiwi, lemon, and several types of vegetables.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D itself has two main types, namely D2 and D3. In general, vitemin D is used in the body to form bones and maintain the health of the heart, muscles and brain.

In the reproductive organs, lack of vitamin D nutrition can cause an increased risk of endometriosis, infestility, and ovulation. The problems that arise show that vitamin D has an important role in the reproductive organs.

This vitamin which plays an important role in the reproduction process is a unique type of vitamin. Because the need for this vitamin can be met easily and naturally by direct exposure to the sun on the skin.

Given that Indonesia has a tropical climate and is closer to the sun, this is certainly an advantage. Apart from sunlight, vitamin D can also be obtained from the foods we consume, such as mushrooms, egg yolks, and fish.

Vitamin E

In the male reproductive organs, vitamin E has a function to increase the motility of the sperm cells themselves. As for women, vitamin E provides benefits for maintaining the health of the female reproductive organs in general.

The antioxidant content contained in vitamin E also greatly affects and supports the health of the reproductive organs for both men and women.

Apart from being a vitamin that plays an important role in the reproductive process, vitamin E also has benefits for maintaining healthy skin, eyes, brain, and red blood cells. Natural sources of this vitamin are the foods we consume on a daily basis such as spinach, broccoli and nuts.

Now there are many vitamin E capsules that are widely circulating in the market and have received permission from the BPOM so that they are safe to consume according to dosage regulations.

Vitamin E is essential for the reproductive system. Vitamin E supports the production of sperm hormones and prevents damage to sperm DNA. Research studies show that if damage to sperm DNA occurs, it can lead to infertility.

Damage can occur due to free radicals. Vitamin E is what acts as an antioxidant. So that it can prevent damage to the sperm DNA.

This study also shows that women who take vitamin E two days before menstruation continuously and three days after menstruation, it can help reduce menstrual pain.

The main source of vitamin E can be obtained from plant oils, especially oats and wheat germ such as pumpkin seeds. Meanwhile, coconut and olive oil contain very little vitamin E.

A person's daily vitamin E adequacy varies. For example, ages 10 -12 years need 11 mg / day, and ages 13 and above can reach 15 mg / day.

That's the list of vitamins for the reproductive process. Even so, besides vitamins, other nutrients are also needed to support the health of the body, especially reproductive organs such as protein. For more complete information, please consult with your midwife or obstetrician.

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