The need for contemporary fiqh is caused by the contact of society to the modern context, which requires rationality and methodological thinking. Rationality and methodology are typical of thought that came from the West, resulting in the rapid development of science and its application to technological development.
Mohammad Natsir revealed that Islamic teachings only recognize two antagonisms, namely haq and falsehood. Thus, all knowledge that comes from any country, if it brings benefits to Muslims and as long as it does not conflict with Islamic teachings, then it can be accepted and must be studied by the Muslim community.
Even so, fiqh still cannot stand from phrases of human thought. Fiqh is an interpretation of sharia and should not be excluded from it. Sharia is what is contained in the Quran, such as commands and prohibitions, stories that contain principles and others.
Modern knowledge can always develop, but fiqh absolutely must be based on sharia. Fiqh then develops on modern issues that require sharia principles, with a modern quality articulation weight.
As an example, the selection of food for Muslims must be halal and thoyyibah. In modern language articulation, halal and thoyyibah refer to quality assurance and food safety. The knowledge we find from the West.
They provide studies on it, such as Total Quality Management (TQM), Hazard Analytical Critical Control Points (HACCP), Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and others. The task of fiqh is to reduce food quality and safety standards based on sharia / al-Qur'an, which results in the existence of a Halal Assurance System, so that it can be applied to middle to lower and national scale industries. and multinational scale industries.
Contemporary fiqh has had an impact, with tremendous results for both the Islamic literature and the lives of modern Muslims. Contemporary fiqh also discusses what is not clear in the stipulations of the shari'ah.
For example, various problems in modern times are concerning blood donation, buying and selling of human organs for treatment and research, issues concerning the provisions of modern discourse, such as democracy, human rights, early childhood education, family planning programs and others.
So the study of contemporary fiqh has become a very necessity, because it involves the problems faced by Muslims as a whole. Even so, not all problems, including in contemporary fiqh studies, still have exceptions. The exceptions are those which have been clearly and expressly established by the sharia.
To fulfill the answers from the Muslim community about contemporary fiqh, it is not surprising that book authors have emerged who describe various kinds of modern problems from the point of view of fiqh science plus their solutions.
For example, there is a book on Contemporary Fiqh "written by Prof. Dr. Kiai Ahmad Zahro, MA, which answers hundreds of problems of today's people. You can buy the book at the online shop or the nearest bookstore in your city.
The contents of the book include answering people's questions about:
- How about the Friday prayers of security guards or shift workers?
- How is the Umrah law without the husband's permission?
- What about the qurban law online?
- Why is it often different at the start and end of Ramadan in Indonesia?
- Can criminals be punished as infidels?
- What is the law for setting up funeral prayers for corruptors?
- What is the law of paying zakat fitrah online?
- Is it okay for a wife to go into debt without her husband's permission?
- What is the law of abstaining from regional head elections?
- What is the law on home loans from conventional banks?
- What is the law of obeying Ulil Amri and who is Ulil Amri in the Indonesian context?
- What is the law of pre-wedding photos?
And there are many other questions that are interesting enough to find solutions to. However, we recommend not only referring to one scholar, but also reading books by other scholars so that our insights are open or not fanatical.
Understanding Contemporary Fiqh
Meanwhile, the definition of contemporary fiqh, in the Indonesian dictionary, means contemporary meaning at the same time or at the moment.
So it can be concluded that Contemporary Fiqh is a development of fiqh thought in the present. In this case the reference is how to respond and the methodology of Islamic law in providing answers to contemporary problems.
There are several reasons for the emergence of contemporary fiqh problems, including:
Due to modernization
The result of modernization which covers most of the countries inhabited by the majority of Muslims. With this modernization flow resulted in the emergence of various kinds of changes in the social order of Muslims, both in terms of politics, social, cultural ideology and so on. These various changes seem to tend to distance people from religious values.
This occurs because these changes have resulted in many social and cultural symbols that are not explicitly owned by established religious symbols, or because the progress of modernization has not been matched by renewal of religious thought.
Not yet realized contextual concept of Islam
The established western thought system (positive law) in most Muslim countries is actually easier to accept and practice what else is strongly supported by structural and cultural forces, but Islamic society in accepting western conception still feels a kind of "awkwardness" both psychologically, sociologically. and politics.
However, because a more contextual conception of Islam has not materialized, they only follow non-Islamic conceptions with a sense of helplessness. This is what ultimately arouses the instincts of Islamic jurists who are more relevant to the times.
Classical fiqh thinking is still fixated on textual understanding
The thought of classical fiqh (the opposite of contemporary fiqh) is still fixated on textual, ad hoc and persial understanding, so that the systematic study framework is not comprehensive and actual, and is less able to adapt to developments.
Furthermore, the scope of Contemporary Fiqh includes fiqh issues related to the current situation (modern). Contemporary fiqh studies cover fiqh issues related to the current situation (modern) and include the fields of study in the Al-Qur'an and Hadith.
For info on examples of contemporary fiqh, contemporary fiqh papers, the scope of contemporary fiqh, contemporary fiqh questions, pdf contemporary fiqh books, contemporary fiqh principles, youth contemporary fiqh and contemporary ushul fiqh papers, insha Allah will be written in the next article.